CEO Greg C..... and CEO Jesse G..., Feb 26, 2016:

Dear CEO's.....Greg of Wascals Wecords and Jesse of Mythological Records

Both you guys came in clear yesterday according to my accustomed ways of seeing you guys...formerly...that is..before YESTERDAY..Paul McCartney's troubles were .....real far away....

Jesse ..the out front guy..performing in the blond spotlight.playing all over the world and Cambridge and OUT THERE hustling Jesus in some pubic retreat to Bethlehem where his Muslim girlfriend's parents were born...Greg...punk...drummer for Melvin and the Moon Shots a hundred years ago now taking dope as a profession...Pfizer hires him to test drugs ..and he wins thousands of dollars and gets to stay holed up in a bedroom community...all white...Olathe Kansas...and wait for everything to be given to him...I build a Constitutiom for such adroit business mavens....."We, the PayPal......."

Rocky masculine joining this "new way of seeing" business people....a CEO she isn't..but give her a couple years...she'll be Governor of the state of Calif.......I say this cuz I asked Kira our poor Hippie friend"How long will it take before Rocky becomes Governor...?"

"Two years" said Kira.

Rocky told me me she just brokered a deal to get Poor Kira and her sax man Jim Sikora FOUR HUNDRED BUCKS for a half a pound of something real popular in these parts..being a Promosexual..I wanna shout it from the rooftops like Jesus commanded.I heard...."What you hear whispered in the dark...shout it from the rooftops" but that's cuz they didn't have Facebook so for the 2nd Coming it's "What you hear whispered in the dark.....whisper or shout..take your pick... by e-mail as ....there IS no mae of female in Christ for Christ's sake.....only female and e-male..."

I play I have time to do nothing but write the bios of Rocky and the CEO' life is completing...this Springtime in the...Rocky's..... having restored THE MAN into its purest SONG FORM thanks to DAVID BOWIE taking it and taking OFF on it suggesting "...there's a GIRL up ahead" in his SHADOWMAN....but fortunately for us all...he's dead and lives now only thru my evoking his name and his game ( he liked dressing up )...

People may THINK they "know" him but G-D works one on one as one IN one and I'm into his widder the Mulsim Iman to rescue Him for ME tha Father once he///David Bowie, the Son is worn put from those 72 virgins his wife's Muslim Mohammed promises him......he will come to me as of NOW like YOU GUYS will read about yourselves in my Daily Weekly...a scandal sheet for the masses to grasp how New Orleans is the Big Easy... New York is the Big Apple..and Grass Valley, California where we live and play is the BIG DOPEY.....

Snow White for us is the High Sierras just up the block...3,000 feet...we're at 2.....the snow starts at 5....goes to 12...this kind of "thinking" SNOW WHITE guides us thru tough times.....our Ice Queen is Joanna Newsome,the Harpie.. who doesn't beathe cuz there's no but she's married to Adam Sandberg of SNL who looks like Adam Sandler also of big deal....Jews can't save her..but they CAN get a good deal if they let Rocky broker schitt....